Now showing 1 - 10 of 116
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    Abu Dhabi public spaces : Urban encounters, social diversity and informality
    (Motivate Publishing, 2021) ; ;
    Lazaridis, Kyriazis
    Abu Dhabi Public Spaces is the result of a two-year research project on urbanity and the behavioral mapping of the inhabitants’ daily practices. Focusing on fourteen well-known public spaces – both formal and informal – throughout Abu Dhabi, the authors highlight their hidden qualities and describe how its inhabitants create an original city life for themselves. The book expertly combines sociology, urban studies and architecture to understand the city’s cultural diversity, social encounters and the interaction between formality and informality in public spaces.
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    (Cambridge University Press, 2016)
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    Artificial Intelligence: the frame problem and its transcendental solution
    The thesis that I would like to support in this article is the following: 1) the frame problem of AI has to presuppose that there is an intentional grasp of the mind on the world, which in turn conditions our behavior towards the world. It is only because of it that the phenomenon of surprise can arise when what is given does not appear in accordance with the intentional expectation. 2) The fact that we can count on a coherence of the world, or on the fact that if the world were to change from one day to the next, such change cannot happen just in any way, without providing a logical and scientific account for this change (in short, that the world cannot suddenly plunge into chaos), this fact is grounded in transcendental philosophy. 3) The great philosophical quality of artificial intelligence is not that it shows what is already mechanical in human intelligence (that we are biological robots that will one day be simulated by computers), but to remind us that rationality is not unique to humans, it is not a human faculty. Artificial intelligence allows us to transcend anthropological relativism: reason is a universal structure that is not lodged in human consciousness, but rather it is human consciousness, and perhaps one day artificial intelligence, that are lodged in a transcendental rational structure of the world, which opens up the domain of transcendental philosophy.
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    B Bolzano : De la méthode mathématique
    Bernard Bolzano (1781-1848) a passé toute sa vie en Bohême, qui faisait encore partie de l’Empire autrichien. Après des études de philosophie, mathématique et théologie, il est devenu prêtre et professeur de Science de la religion à l’Université de Prague. Héritier de l’Aufklärung, il a consacré sa vie à la réforme de la semi-féodale société autrichienne et à la réforme des sciences a priori : logique, mathématique et théologie. Ses critiques de la constitution et de l’ordre existant lui valurent d’être destitué de sa chaire en 1819 et de passer le reste de sa vie en exil intérieur entouré d’un petit cercle d’amis, écrivant ses grands traités : le Traité de science de la religion (1834), la Théorie de la science (1837), la Théorie des grandeurs ainsi que l’utopie Du meilleur État et les Paradoxes de l’infini (1851). Le texte De la méthode mathématique, extrait de l’Introduction à la Théorie des grandeurs, résume quelques unes de ses plus importantes innovations en logique et présente sa philosophie des mathématiques, conçue en opposition à Kant. Bolzano l’a choisi pour l’envoyer à Franz Exner, nommé professeur de philosophie à l’Université de Prague en 1831. L’échange épistolaire qui s’en est suivi tourne autour des deux thèses controversées de la logique de Bolzano : sa conception des objets logiques en soi, indépendants de la pensée et de la langue, et son concept d’intuition. Dans cette controverse s’est joué le sort de la philosophie autrichienne. Bolzano n’a pas réussi à convaincre Exner, qui lui oppose avec ténacité les idées de Herbart.
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  • Publication
    Bacon or Beef ? ‘Fake’ Halal Scandals in the Russian Federation
    (Brill, 2020)
    This article aims at analyzing how the penetration of a commercial rational into the religious field impacts the relations between the State and the Muslim religion in the case of post-Soviet Russia. Here, the rise of a ‘halal market’ – that is the market for halal products and the market of halal certification – was punctuated by scandals. This research scrutinizes one of them, linked with halal meat products containing pork dna. This scandal is studied as it reveals the pre-existing order and is considered per se, as a critical test when common values and norms are either abandoned or strengthened, and previously established relations are transformed.
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