Now showing 1 - 10 of 94
  • Publication
    A Contrastive Study of Arabic and Persian Formulas Against the Evil Eye used by Women
    (2015) ;
    Yousefian, Saloomeh
    In Islamic societies, there exists the belief that a compliment can attract the'evil eye' unless it's accompanied by expressions that invoke God's protection. The purpose of this research is to analyze the use of these expressions and to conduct a contrastive study of Arabic and Persian formulas against the evil eye. In this research, the importance of these expressions and the use of courtesy formulas in responses to compliments about appearance and possessions are analyzed. Participants of the research are: 10 female native speakers of Arabic (between 19 and 24 years old) and 10 female native speakers of Persian (between 27 and 40 years old). Women were chosen in the study as they use more frequently formulas that invoke God's protection. All of them claimed to believe in the evil eye. Participants are requested to view two short videos in which the characters are talking about their appearance and possessions. Once they watch the videos, they recreate the dialogues in their own languages. The researchers analyze the use of formulas against the evil eye and the compliments responses and conduct a comparative study of the use of these formulas in Arabic and Persian.
      101  151
  • Publication
    Animer un atelier d’écriture créative à l’université : une exploration pédagogique en classe de FLE
    (2021) ;
    Thiebault, Sarah
    Cet article présente diverses expérimentations d’écriture créative collaborative menées au sein de Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi depuis 2016. A la suite de la description du contexte institutionnel et de l'élaboration du cadre théorique, il examine les potentialités de l’écriture créative et collaborative en classe de FLE. Il propose des activités d’écriture créative qui visent à stimuler l’imagination des apprenants, à développer leur autonomie et à améliorer leur expression écrite. A travers une recherche-action, il s’efforce d’analyser les pratiques pédagogiques mises en place et d’identifier leurs points positifs.
      82  55
  • Publication
    Apprendre le français langue étrangère via un MOOC : une question de motivation et d'autonomie ?
    (2018) ;
    Belli, Christina
    Dans le contexte des profondes mutations éducatives induites par les nouvelles technologies , le présent article entreprend d'examiner l'apprentissage du FLE dans le cadre des MOOCs. Il fait un tour d'horizon des dispositifs existants avant d'en exposer la structure et les différentes caractéristiques. Nous montrerons qu'en dépit de nombreuses limites inhérentes à la technologie, l'apprenant en autoformation pourrait tirer avantage des MOOCs. Plus encore que dans d'autres contextes d'apprentissage, les clefs de la réussite sont l'implication personnelle, la motivation, l'autonomie mais également les situations d'interactions linguistiques et sociales avec les pairs virtuels. Mots-clés : FLE, MOOC, TIC, autoformation, autonomie, apprentissage par les pairs. Abstract In the context of profound educational changes induced by new technologies, this article aims to examine the subject of learning French with MOOCs. It establishes a picture of existing MOOCs before the presentation of their different characteristics and structure. Despite their limits due to their technological nature, we will show how MOOCs could be beneficial for a self-taught learner. The keystone of the success of this mode of learning lies in the personal involvement in the classes, the motivation, the autonomy but also in linguistic and social interactions with virtual peers.
      394  103
  • Publication
    Arabité et poésie allemande : Adonis ou la nation des poètes
    The poetical work of the Syrian poet Adonis tries to answer the question of identity in a rather complex way. The problem arising in his works is the following: how can you affirm your Arabic cultural identity if your whole work intends to study universality? And how can you take over the role of prophet for the entire humanity, if your poetry, at the same time, intends clearly to offer a new approach to Arabic poetical traditions? Adoni's work is settled in the middle of these contradictions, and tries not to solve them, but to explore them. To achieve this, Adonis uses the East not only geographically but also intellectually as a symbol of resistance against the way of life and the thinking of the West. Hence, poets of German romanticism and French poets become in his eyes poets of the Orient and therefore distinguished allies for his poetical theory.
      94  29
  • Publication
    BioExcom: Detection and categorization of speculative sentences in biomedical literature
    (2011) ;
    Desclés, Julien
    Desclés, Jean-pierre
    Biological research papers are replete with speculative sentences. We present the BioExcom rule-based system, which detects speculations in biomedical literature. Furthermore, it enables to distinguish automatically between prior and new speculations in the analyzed paper. BioExcom is based on the Contextual Exploration processing (hierarchical research of linguistic surface markers with the EXCOM computational platform). To accomplish this task, BioExcom uses also specific linguistic resources established by concise semantic analysis performed by a biologist and a linguist. Our work shows that it is possible to detect and categorize speculative sentences without computational deep linguistic analyses. This work could be useful for biologists who are interested by finding new hypothesis in literature. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
    Scopus© Citations 5  74  62
  • Publication
    Classification automatique et stratégie d'annotation appliquées à un concept philosophique: la dimension psychologique du concept de LANGAGE dans l'oeuvre de Bergson 1
    (2010) ;
    Danis, Jean
    Jean-Guy Chartier
    Chartier, Jean-François
    Desclés, Jean-pierre
    Les outils d'assistance à la lecture et à l'analyse experte des textes sont de plus en plus demandés dans le domaine des humanités. En philosophie, ces processus de lecture et d'analyse s'effectuent dans bien des cas par l'entremise d'analyses conceptuelles. Les approches lexicométriques et macrotextuelles offrent des pistes intéressantes mais demeurent limitées lorsqu'il s'agit d'analyser les multiples facettes d'un concept philosophique. Nous présentons dans cet article une méthode de fouille textuelle qui combine à l'analyse d'une concordance un algorithme de classification non supervisée (k-moyennes) et une stratégie d'annotation assistée par la plate-forme sémantique EXCOM. Le traitement est appliqué au concept de LANGAGE dans le corpus d'Henri Bergson. Abstract Assisting tools for analysis and expert reading of texts are more and more demanded by researchers in the Humanities. In philosophy, these expert reading processes are often carried out by conceptual analysis. Macro-textual approaches have given appealing results but remain limited when it's time to analyze the multifaceted properties of philosophical concepts. We present in this article a computer-assisted text mining method that allows researchers to explore the multifaceted contexts of a philosophical concept. The method aims at integrating to standard clustering methods a computer-assisted annotation strategy with the use of the platform called " EXCOM " . Our method is here applied to the concept of LANGUAGE in Henri Bergson's corpus.
      70  74
  • Publication
    Comment prévoir le succès d’une innovation
    How to predict the success of disruptive innovations? The case of the electric vehicle Demand forecasting for disruptive innovations is a major challenge for professionals and academics. This article addresses the issue by building an original spatial model, USIDDI (User-centric SImulation for the Deployment of Disruptive Innovations) on the analysis of individuals’ compatibility with the innovation. We empirically test the model on the electric vehicle market and emphasize the nature of the recommendations that should be made to companies and governments to accelerate the scaling-up of disruptive innovations. Mots-clés
      98  132