Now showing 1 - 10 of 101
  • Publication
    A hybrid Harris Hawks optimizer for economic load dispatch problems
    Al-Betar, Mohammed Azmi
    Awadallah, Mohammed A.
    Makhadmeh, Sharif Naser
    Abu Doush, Iyad
    Alshathri, Samah
    Abd Elaziz, Mohamed
    This paper proposes a hybridized version of the Harris Hawks Optimizer (HHO) with adaptive-hill-climbing optimizer to tackle economic load dispatch (ELD) problems. ELD is an important problem in power systems that is tackled by finding the optimal schedule of the generation units that minimize fuel conceptions under a set of constraints. Due to the complexity of ELD search space, as it is rigid and deep, the exploitation of HHO is improved by hybridizing it with a recent local search method called adaptive-hill climbing. The HHO can navigate several potential search space regions, while adaptive-hill climbing is used to deeply search for the local optimal solution in each potential region. To evaluate the proposed approach, six versions of ELD cases with various complexities and constraints have been used which are the 6 generation units with 1263 MW of load demand, 13 generation units with 1800 MW of load demand, 13 generation units with 2520 MW of load demand, 15 generation units with 2630 MW of load demand, 40 generation units with 10500 MW of load demand, and 140 generation units with 49342 MW of load demand. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm is evaluated on two ELD real-world cases which are 6 units-1263 MW and 15units-2630 MW. The results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve a significant performance for the majority of the experimented cases. It can achieve the best-reported solution for the ELD case with 15 generation units when compared to 15 well-established methods. Additionally, it obtains the second-best for the ELD case with 140 generation units when compared to 10 well-established methods. In conclusion, the proposed method can be an alternative to solve ELD problems which is efficient.
    Scopus© Citations 31  41  10
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    A Lower Complexity Deep Learning Method for Drones Detection
    Mohamad Kassab
    Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni
    Frederic Barbaresco
    Detecting objects such as drones is a challenging task as their relative size and maneuvering capabilities can deceive machine learning models and cause them to misclassify drones as birds or other objects. In this work, we investigate applying several deep-learning techniques to benchmark real data sets of flying drones. A Deep learning paradigm is proposed for the purpose of mitigating the complexity of those systems. The proposed paradigm consists of a hybrid between the AdderNet deep learning paradigm and the SSD paradigm. The goal was to minimize multiplication operations numbers in the filtering layers within the proposed system and, hence, reduce complexity. Some standard machine learning techniques such as SVM is also tested and compared to other deep learning systems. The data sets used for training and testing were either complete or filtered in order to remove the images with mall objects. The types of data were either RGB or IR data. Comparisons were made between all these types and conclusions are presented.
      38Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    A modified coronavirus herd immunity optimizer for capacitated vehicle routing problem
    (2022) ;
    Mohammad Dalbah, Lamees
    Al-Betar, Mohammed Azmi
    Awadallah, Mohammed A.
    Capacitated Vehicle routing problem is NP-hard scheduling problem in which the main concern is to findthe best routes with minimum cost for a number of vehicles serving a number of scattered customersunder some vehicle capacity constraint. Due to the complex nature of the capacitated vehicle routingproblem, metaheuristic optimization algorithms are widely used for tackling this type of challenge.Coronavirus Herd Immunity Optimizer (CHIO) is a recent metaheuristic population-based algorithm thatmimics the COVID-19 herd immunity treatment strategy. In this paper, CHIO is modified for capacitatedvehicle routing problem. The modifications for CHIO are accomplished by modifying its operators to pre-serve the solution feasibility for this type of vehicle routing problems. To evaluate the modified CHIO, twosets of data sets are used: the first data set has ten Synthetic CVRP models while the second is an ABEFMPdata set which has 27 instances with different models. Moreover, the results achieved by modified CHIOare compared against the results of other 13 well-regarded algorithms. For the first data set, the modifiedCHIO is able to gain the same results as the other comparative methods in two out of ten instances andacceptable results in the rest. For the second and the more complicated data sets, the modified CHIO isable to achieve very competitive results and ranked the first for 8 instances out of 27. In a nutshell,the modified CHIO is able to efficiently solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem and can be utilizedfor other routing problems in the future such as multiple travelling salesman problem
    Scopus© Citations 26  145  104
  • Publication
    A Modified Oppositional Chaotic Local Search Strategy Based Aquila Optimizer to Design an Effective Controller for Vehicle Cruise Control System
    Ekinci, Serdar
    Izci, Davut
    Abualigah, Laith
    In this work, we propose a real proportional-integral-derivative plus second-order derivative (PIDD2) controller as an efficient controller for vehicle cruise control systems to address the challenging issues related to efficient operation. In this regard, this paper is the first report in the literature demonstrating the implementation of a real PIDD2 controller for controlling the respective system. We construct a novel and efficient metaheuristic algorithm by improving the performance of the Aquila Optimizer via chaotic local search and modified opposition-based learning strategies and use it as an excellently performing tuning mechanism. We also propose a simple yet effective objective function to increase the performance of the proposed algorithm (CmOBL-AO) to adjust the real PIDD2 controller's parameters effectively. We show the CmOBL-AO algorithm to perform better than the differential evolution algorithm, gravitational search algorithm, African vultures optimization, and the Aquila Optimizer using well-known unimodal, multimodal benchmark functions. CEC2019 test suite is also used to perform ablation experiments to reveal the separate contributions of chaotic local search and modified opposition-based learning strategies to the CmOBL-AO algorithm. For the vehicle cruise control system, we confirm the more excellent performance of the proposed method against particle swarm, gray wolf, salp swarm, and original Aquila optimizers using statistical, Wilcoxon signed-rank, time response, robustness, and disturbance rejection analyses. We also use fourteen reported methods in the literature for the vehicle cruise control system to further verify the more promising performance of the CmOBL-AO-based real PIDD2 controller from a wider perspective. The excellent performance of the proposed method is also illustrated through different quality indicators and different operating speeds. Lastly, we also demonstrate the good performing capability of the CmOBL-AO algorithm for real traffic cases. We show the CmOBL-AO-based real PIDD2 controller as the most efficient method to control a vehicle cruise control system.
      33Scopus© Citations 46
  • Publication
    A non-convex economic load dispatch problem using chameleon swarm algorithm with roulette wheel and Levy flight methods
    (2023) ;
    Braik, Malik Sh.
    Awadallah, Mohammed A.
    Al-Betar, Mohammed Azmi
    Hammouri, Abdelaziz I.
    An Enhanced Chameleon Swarm Algorithm (ECSA) by integrating roulette wheel selection and Lévy flight methods is presented to solve non-convex Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problems. CSA has diverse strategies to move towards the optimal solution. Even so, this algorithm’s performance faces some hurdles, such as early convergence and slumping into local optimum. In this paper, several enhancements were made to this algorithm. First, it’s position updating process was slightly tweaked and took advantage of the chameleons’ randomization as well as adopting several time-varying functions. Second, the Lévy flight operator is integrated with roulette wheel selection method and both are combined with ECSA to augment the exploration behavior and lessen its bias towards exploitation. Finally, an add-on position updating strategy is proposed to develop a further balance between exploration and exploitation conducts. The optimization performance of ECSA is shown by testing it on five various real ELD cases with a generator having 3, 13, 40, 80 and 140 units, each with different constraints. The results of the ELD systems’ analysis depict that ECSA is better than the parent CSA and other state-of-the art methods. Further, the efficacy of ECSA was experimented on several benchmark test functions, and its performance was compared to other well-known optimization methods. Experimental results show that ECSA surpasses other methods on complex benchmark functions with modest computational burdens. The superiority and practicality of ECSA is demonstrated by getting new best solutions for large-scale ELD cases such as 40-unit and 140-unit test systems.
      36Scopus© Citations 12
  • Publication
    A Non-convex Economic Load Dispatch Using Hybrid Salp Swarm Algorithm
    (2021) ;
    Alkoffash, Mahmud Salem
    Awadallah, Mohammed A.
    Alweshah, Mohammed
    Assaleh, Khaled
    Al-Betar, Mohammed Azmi
    In this paper, the economic load dispatch (ELD) problem with valve point effect is tackled using a hybridization between salp swarm algorithm (SSA) as a population-based algorithm and β-hill climbing optimizer as a single point-based algorithm. The proposed hybrid SSA is abbreviated as HSSA. This is to achieve the right balance between the intensification and diversification of the ELD search space. ELD is an important problem in the power systems which is concerned with scheduling the generation units in active generators in optimal way to minimize the fuel cost in accordance with equality and inequality constraints. The proposed HSSA is evaluated using six real-world ELD systems: 3-unit generator, two cases of 13-unit generator, 40-unit generator, 80-unit generator, and 140-unit generator system. These ELD systems are well circulated in the previous literature. The comparative results against 66 well-regarded algorithms are conducted. The results show that the proposed HSSA is able to produce viable and competitive solutions for ELD problems.
    Scopus© Citations 31  116  24
  • Publication
    A Novel Big Data Classification Technique for Healthcare Application Using Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and J48
    Al-Manaseer, Hitham
    Abualigah, Laith
    Alsoud, Anas Ratib
    Ezugwu, Absalom E.
    Jia, Heming
    In this study, the possibility of using and applying the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to increase the effectiveness of Internet of Things (IoT) and big data in developing a system that supports decision makers in the medical fields was studied. This was done by studying the performance of three well-known classification algorithms Random Forest Classifier (RFC), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Decision Tree-J48 (J48), to predict the probability of heart attack. The performance of the algorithms for accuracy was evaluated using the Healthcare (heart attack possibility) dataset, freely available on kagle. The data was divided into three categories consisting of (303, 909, 1808) instances which were analyzed on the WEKA platform. The results showed that the RFC was the best performer.
      51Scopus© Citations 9
  • Publication
    A Novel Deep Learning Technique for Detecting Emotional Impact in Online Education
    (2022) ;
    AlZu’bi, Shadi
    Hawashin, Bilal
    Abu Shanab, Samia
    Zraiqat, Amjed
    Mughaid, Ala
    Almotairi, Khaled H.
    Abualigah, Laith
    Emotional intelligence is the automatic detection of human emotions using various intelligent methods. Several studies have been conducted on emotional intelligence, and only a few have been adopted in education. Detecting student emotions can significantly increase productivity and improve the education process. This paper proposes a new deep learning method to detect student emotions. The main aim of this paper is to map the relationship between teaching practices and student learning based on emotional impact. Facial recognition algorithms extract helpful information from online platforms as image classification techniques are applied to detect the emotions of student and/or teacher faces. As part of this work, two deep learning models are compared according to their performance. Promising results are achieved using both techniques, as presented in the Experimental Results Section. For validation of the proposed system, an online course with students is used; the findings suggest that this technique operates well. Based on emotional analysis, several deep learning techniques are applied to train and test the emotion classification process. Transfer learning for a pre-trained deep neural network is used as well to increase the accuracy of the emotion classification stage. The obtained results show that the performance of the proposed method is promising using both techniques, as presented in the Experimental Results Section.
    Scopus© Citations 21  56  8
  • Publication
    A Novel Methodology for Human Kinematics Motion Detection Based on Smartphones Sensor Data Using Artificial Intelligence
    Raza, Ali
    Al Nasar, Mohammad Rustom
    Hanandeh, Essam Said
    Nasereddin, Ahmad Yacoub
    Abualigah, Laith
    Kinematic motion detection aims to determine a person’s actions based on activity data. Human kinematic motion detection has many valuable applications in health care, such as health monitoring, preventing obesity, virtual reality, daily life monitoring, assisting workers during industry manufacturing, caring for the elderly. Computer vision-based activity recognition is challenging due to problems such as partial occlusion, background clutter, appearance, lighting, viewpoint, and changes in scale. Our research aims to detect human kinematic motions such as walking or running using smartphones’ sensor data within a high-performance framework. An existing dataset based on smartphones’ gyroscope and accelerometer sensor values is utilized for the experiments in our study. Sensor exploratory data analysis was conducted in order to identify valuable patterns and insights from sensor values. The six hyperparameters, tunned artificial indigence-based machine learning, and deep learning techniques were applied for comparison. Extensive experimentation showed that the ensemble learning-based novel ERD (ensemble random forest decision tree) method outperformed other state-of-the-art studies with high-performance accuracy scores. The proposed ERD method combines the random forest and decision tree models, which achieved a 99% classification accuracy score. The proposed method was successfully validated with the k-fold cross-validation approach.
      13Scopus© Citations 16
  • Publication
    A real-time automatic pothole detection system using convolution neural networks
    Bharat, Ricardo
    Ikotun, Abiodun M
    Ezugwu, Absalom E.
    Abualigah, Laith
    Shehab, Mohammad
    Detecting a pothole can help prevent damage to your vehicle and potentially prevent an accident. Different techniques, including machine learning, deep learning models, sensor methods, stereo vision, the internet of things (IoT), and black-box cameras, have already been applied to address the problem. However, studies have shown that machine learning and deep learning techniques successfully detect potholes. However, because most of these successful attempts are peculiar to the location of the study, we found no study which has addressed the peculiarity of potholes in South Africa using a tailored-trained deep learning model. In this study, we propose using a convolutional neural network (CNN), a type of deep learning model, to address this growing problem on South African roads. To achieve this, a CNN model was designed from scratch and trained with image samples obtained from the context of the study. The classifier was adapted to distinguish between a binary class which identifies the presence or absence of potholes. Results showed a significant performance enhancement at a classification accuracy of 92.72%. The outcome of this study showed that this machine learning approach holds great potential for addressing the challenge of potholes and road bumps in the region and abroad.
      21  1