Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
  • Publication
    Abu Dhabi public spaces : Urban encounters, social diversity and informality
    (Motivate Publishing, 2021) ; ;
    Lazaridis, Kyriazis
    Abu Dhabi Public Spaces is the result of a two-year research project on urbanity and the behavioral mapping of the inhabitants’ daily practices. Focusing on fourteen well-known public spaces – both formal and informal – throughout Abu Dhabi, the authors highlight their hidden qualities and describe how its inhabitants create an original city life for themselves. The book expertly combines sociology, urban studies and architecture to understand the city’s cultural diversity, social encounters and the interaction between formality and informality in public spaces.
  • Publication
    Behavioral Mapping Of Abu Dhabi's Public Spaces: Urban Research Photography And Cultural Clashes
    While the study of quotidian practices and daily experiences is now fully appreciated in western urbanism, it is still at an embryonic stage in the emerging new cities of the Middle East. is paper presents an ongoing research project of social-behavioral mapping of Abu Dhabi’s public spaces and its correlation with the existing urban morphology, in an attempt to shed empirical light and update the local public space design guidelines. Photography is one of the observation tools used. However, due to sociocultural conditions, special techniques had to be used. Time- lapse, high-contrasted, undirected street photography was key to visualize both formal and informal activities in the realm of the private.
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  • Publication
    Du diplômé mobile au travailleur migrant : Parcours de jeunes occidentaux dans les Territoires Palestiniens occupés
    Au-delà de l'accroissement numérique portant à 232 millions le nombre de migrants internationaux dans le monde, on note une diversification des profils migra-toires. Parmi ces derniers se trouvent de jeunes diplômés occidentaux qui s'installent dans des pays du « Sud », en quête d'épanouissement personnel et de construction pro-fessionnelle. Du fait de l'assistance internationale orientée vers cette région, les Terri-toires Palestiniens Occupés sont ainsi devenus un espace d'opportunités pour de jeunes diplômés européens et nord-américains. S'ils viennent initialement pour un stage ou un contrat de courte durée, nombre d'entre eux restent finalement pendant plusieurs an-nées. Cet article analyse la façon dont leurs carrières migratoires se construisent et de quelle manière de jeunes diplômés mobiles à l'international deviennent progressivement des migrants. Mots-clés : Territoires Palestiniens Occupés, parcours migratoires, mobilités du Nord vers le Sud, carrière migratoire, aide internationale. Beyond the numerical growth bringing to 232 million the number of international migrants worldwide, we notice the diversification of migrant profiles. Among them, freshly-graduated Northern citizens go live in the Global South for personal and professional purposes. Indeed, due to the massive international assistance poured into this region , occupied Palestinian territories have become a land of opportunities for young Eu-ropean and American professionals. If they arrived in oPt for an internship, many of them end up settling in. This paper aims to analyze the progressive construction of their migratory careers and how highly-educated international young graduates become migrants .
      181  44
  • Publication
    Lagrange, Frédéric
    Assaf, Laure
  • Publication
    Les espaces publics d’Abu Dhabi: un terrain de jeu pour une expérience pédagogique et scientifique
    La recherche et l’enseignement sont les deux piliers de notre métier et pourtant, l’articulation concrète de ces deux missions reste peu mise en avant dans nos discussions et nos publications. J’explore dans cet article la manière dont nos recherches peuvent, d’un part, nourrir nos enseignements méthodologiques, et d’autre part, bénéficier de l’implication des étudiants et de leurs compétences propres. Je m’appuierai sur le travail mené en tant que chercheure et enseignante de sociologie dans le cadre d’un programme de recherche interdisciplinaire (géographie, architecture et sociologie) sur les espaces publics à Abu Dhabi (Emirats arabes unis, 2018-2020). Dans un contexte où l’enquête de terrain est délicate à mener, les espaces publics se sont révélés des lieux d’enquête et de formation privilégiés et où les étudiants nous offraient une entrée supplémentaire pour la compréhension des rapports sociaux à la vill
      82  194
  • Publication
  • Publication
    Privilege in Migration: The Benefits of Nationality for Northern Migrants in the Middle East
    The term “expatriation”, contested but frequently used, encompasses the idea that Westerners are not “average” migrants, if not at all migrants and it contributes to dismiss discussions on their privileges. Some researchers have been working on revealing the racial and class privileges and how it affects the migratory experiences of the so-called “expats”. In this chapter, I examine the roles that the nationality plays in the migratory experience and the living conditions of Northern migrants residing in a specific region, the Middle East. Based on extensive fieldworks I conducted in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (2012–2015) and in the United Arab Emirates (2017–2020), I will highlight how privileges shape western migration in the Middle East. The OPT and the UAE, although presenting different economic and social contexts, offer interesting illustrations of the way Westerners are benefiting from their passport to migrate as well as the cultural and symbolic capital attached to their nationalities: languages, education, professional experiences, and cultural imaginaries can be mobilized by individuals to find interesting job opportunities. In this chapter, focusing on two types of privileges - the freedom of movement and the access and position in the local job market – I argue that nationality plays a crucial role in both, the conditions of migration as well as the relationships with both the locals and the others (underprivileged) migrants.