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  • Publication
    Basin of Attraction through Invariant Curves and Dominant Functions
    (Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015)
    Alsharawi, Ziyad
    Al-Ghassani, Asma
    We study a second-order difference equation of the form zn+1 = zn F (zn-1) + h, where both F (z) and z F (z) are decreasing. We consider a set of invariant curves at h = 1 and use it to characterize the behaviour of solutions when h > 1 and when 0 < h < 1. The case h > 1 is related to the Y2K problem. For 0 < h < 1, we study the stability of the equilibrium solutions and find an invariant region where solutions are attracted to the stable equilibrium. In particular, for certain range of the parameters, a subset of the basin of attraction of the stable equilibrium is achieved by bounding positive solutions using the iteration of dominant functions with attracting equilibria. © 2015 Ziyad AlSharawi et al.
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